A place to find community, share life and explore faith.
Bumps & Buggies is our weekly group for small children and their parents or carers. We meet every Thursday from 9-11am. We have a time of free play with a craft activity and then come together for a circle time where we sing songs and hear a story from the Bible. We serve refreshments for both adults and little ones. Our group is for everyone – whether you go to church every week or have never been. We’d love to meet you soon!
A warm space and a warm welcome for all.
On Tuesdays 10am-12pm, come along to our community cafe as we share a cuppa and get to know one another.
Life Groups
We love to share life together and one of the very best ways to do this is to join a life group.
We meet to study the bible, chat and pray. We study the sermon from the previous Sunday and share fellowship. It’s a wonderful way to belong. If you’d like to get plugged into one please email
Thursday Prayers
We gather in church on Thursday at 11.15am to pray together for the growth of the Kingdom of God here in Grantham.
We open the bible and pray in an informal way. All are welcome whether they are confident to pray out loud or not. We’d love to see you there.