We’re seeking to build community and change lives for Jesus, as we are found to be:

Sharing God’s Good News
We believe that God has always had a plan to make a way for everyone to know his love. God sent his son Jesus so we can know and enjoy his love, by dying on the cross, and rising again. In turn, Jesus has commissioned us to join in with God’s mission to reach out & speak out with this good news here in Grantham.

Captivated by God’s Son
We want everything we do to be all about Jesus. We want to know him, to love him, and to make him known. We believe we only can receive God’s love by finding forgiveness and life to the full in Jesus, and that this church is his Church. He is the author and perfector of our faith, the focus of our affection, our unity, and our direction. One day he will come back and make all things new. It’s all about Jesus.

Guided by God’s Word
We love the Bible! It explains everything to us: who God is, who we are, what life is and who we should be. Every time we read it God speaks to us, because he wrote it. The Bible is our authority and our guide as we seek to serve God. We believe that we read the Bible to get to know God better.

Empowered by God’s Spirit
We believe that without the work of God in us and through us we have nothing, and so we depend on the Holy Spirit for all that we seek to be and to do. We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the Church today, and that God changes lives by his Spirit.

United as God’s People

Living out God’s Love
God’s love is bigger and wider than we can ever describe, he made all of us, and he loves all of us, and we long to show that love to our town, especially those who are struggling and suffering. We’re also really aware that sadly church life isn’t always easy, and we deeply desire that St Anne’s might be a place where those who have been hurt by church might be able to belong again.